Aufnahme des Künstlers Rafik vor schwarzen Hintergrund. Aufnahme des Künstlers Rafik vor schwarzen Hintergrund.
Foto: © Künstler


City Movement Samstag | 09 | 10 | 2021

Meet RAFIK, global poster child for technical DJing and German bass music ambassador.

The 2013 RBMA alumni is a true master of all trades - world class technical skill and a staggering ability to read his crowd meet original productions and remixes that cause the biggest sound systems worldwide to shake in fury. From China to Japan, from New York to Sydney, Moscow to Paris - this musical prodigy has taken his talents to 6 of our 7 continents.

The highest decorated world-champion DJ in history is appreciated for his bass and energy laden sets, blending bass music with a hip hop mentality and just the right spice of technical finesse. His tunes have gained over a million plays on Spotify while his turntablism and performance videos grossed over 6 million views on Youtube.

Do not get it twisted: Rafik is out to deliver. Unmatched skill, bulletproof selection a fist full of bass will blow your mind right out of your skull - 110%!

German Info

Triff auf den Bass Music Botschafter RAFIK, der mit seinen seine technischen Künste beim DJing schon mehrfach die DMC World Championships gewonnen hat.

Japan, China, New York, Sidney, Paris, Moskau — sein Talent wurde schon in 6 von 7 Kontinenten getragen.

Mit seinen Bass- und Energiegeladenen Sets verbindet er Bass-Music mit Hip Hop-Attitüde und der genau richtigen technischen Finesse. Seine Tracks erreichten über 1 Millionen plays auf Spotify und über 6 Millionen plays auf YouTube für seine turntablism Videos. Rafik liefert ab — zu 110%!